Yifan Wang(王怿凡)

Hi it's Yifan. I am a first-year CS Ph.D. student in Stony Brook, advised by Chenyu You. Previously, I graduated from ShanghaiTech with a major in computer science, advised by Kan Ren and worked as a research intern in Whitney's Lab.

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My research interest broadly lies in Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Cognitive Science.


I will join Stony Brook in 24Fall as a new PhD student!

03-2024: Our paper EEGFormer was accepted by AAAI 2024 SSS on Clinical FMs!

10-2023: Our paper VEATIC Dataset was accepted by WACV 2024!

06-2023: I've completed the one-year exchange in UC Berkeley.


EEGFormer: Towards Transferable and Interpretable Large-Scale EEG Foundation Model
Yuqi Chen, Kan Ren, Kaitao Song, Yansen Wang, Yifan Wang, Dongsheng Li, Lili Qiu
AAAI, 2024 SSS on Clinical FMs
/ arXiv /

A novel pretrained EEG foundation model (EEGFormer) cannot only learn universal representations on EEG signals with adaptable performance on various downstream tasks but also provide interpretable outcomes of the useful patterns within the data.

VEATIC: Video-based Emotion and Affect Tracking in Context Dataset
Zhihang Ren* Jefferson Ortega* Yifan Wang* Zhimin Chen, David Whitney, Yunhui Guo, Stella Yu (* Equal contribution)
WACV, 2024
project page / paper / code

A brand new large dataset, the Video-based Emotion and Affect Tracking in Context Dataset (VEATIC), that can conquer the limitations of the previous datasets.

Selected Awards and Honors

06-2024: I received the honor of being the Outstanding Graduate in ShanghaiTech.

12-2023: I received the honor of being 2022-2023 Merit Student in ShanghaiTech.

07-2023: I received the Undergraduate International Exchange Special Scholarship in ShanghaiTech.

12-2022: I received the honor of being 2021-2022 Merit Student in ShanghaiTech.